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Clean Out Services

By Appointment - CALL (989) 731-4506

Estates and Cabins | Basements and Garages | Foreclosures | Offices | Schools Warehouses and more!    
Call us to make an appointment and we will schedule a time to come out and provide you a quote for our services. We charge a $40 truck transportation charge for any clean out service in Otsego County in addition to the clean out fee. For area’s outside of Otsego County the truck transportation charge is $50 in addition to the clean out fee. 

*Transportation charge is from the ReStore to the point of pickup and back up, at the time of original clean out. 

How does the Restore help build homes?

People have donated automobiles, houses and of course building materials for our ReStore. In addition, we accept cash donations, write grants and sell donated property.  Thank you to our community for blessing our organization!

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