The Homeowner Application Process - What Do You Need to Do?
There is a lot of information that is required to determine if you can qualify to be considered for an Otsego-Antrim Habitat for Humanity (OAHFH) home. You must be prepared to provide all information requested on the application. If you are not willing or able to do so, your application may be denied. Please look at the Home Ownership page to understand what the minimum requirements are and to obtain the application.
Applications are always available. If you meet the minimum requirements, please pick up an application from the ReStore or download the application from the Home Ownership page. The ReStore is open Monday - Saturday from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. To be considered for an Otsego-Antrim Habitat House, all applications and paperwork must be turned into OAHFH in a sealed envelope addressed to OAHFH - New Housing Application . You may email the application to or fax it to (989) 731-4578.
What you need to do:
Complete your application neatly! ​
Make copies of the documents listed below that apply to your situation (be sure to include these documents with your completed application!)
a) Federal Income tax returns (Form 1040) for the previous tax year
b) Include copies of current pay stubs from the last two pay periods
c) Attach a copy of your current checking and savings account bank statements
d) If applicable, include a copy of current benefit statements (SSI, SSDI, Section 8 Housing, etc…)
e) Include a copy of your child support court order and the payment history for the past two years
f) Provide the name, address and phone number of your current landlord​
After your application is turned into OAHFH, the Family Selection Committee will perform a review of your Need, Ability to Pay, and Willingness to Partner with Habitat. The committee will pull civil/criminal records, obtain your credit report, request employer verification and request a landlord reference.
If your application passes the initial review, a home visit will be arranged by two of our Family Selection Committee members. The home visit consists of a tour of your current home and an interview of your family. The purpose of the home visit is to discuss the Habitat housing program in further detail and gain further information on your family's current living conditions. All heads of the household must participate and the entire family should be present for the home visit.
After your home visit, your application is reviewed by the entire Family Selection Committee again. The committee looks through information submitted on the application form, financial documents, and information obtained at the home visit to determine whether your application meets the program guidelines.
If your application is approved, it is forwarded to the Otsego-Antrim Habitat Board of Directors for a final review and approval. If the Board of Directors approves the final recommendations for home ownership, you will be contacted to set up a date with the Executive Director for an Acceptance Meeting.
If the Committee does not approve your application, you will be notified in writing of the reason for denial and referred to another program, if available.