How Does it Work?
How does it work?
Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Otsego-Antrim Habitat for Humanity (OAHFH) builds and/or rehabilitates simple, decent houses alongside of our future (homeowner) partner families.
Once approved for a mortgage, future homeowners may be required to place a down payment of $500.00 - $1,000.00 on the home, and meet requirements for any grant money received in relationship to their mortgage.
OAHFH is not a give-away program. Homeowners, as partner families, are required to invest 250 "sweat-equity" hours (per partner adult), through their labor in building their house. Our Sweat Equity Policy.
Habitat houses are sold to partner families (at no profit to Habitat for Humanity) through the partner receiving an affordable loan after their lender orders an appraisal of the house. The Habitat house is sold for fair market value. The homeowner will end up with a monthly mortgage payment of $300 - $500 that includes taxes and insurance.
The homeowners’ monthly mortgage payments that are paid back to Habitat (we are the lender) are used to build future OAHFH houses.​
How are partner families selected?
Families in need of decent shelter apply to local Habitat Affiliates.
The Affiliate’s Family Selection Committee meet annually and choose homeowners based on their level of need, their willingness to become partners in the program and their ability to repay the loan.
Every Habitat Affiliate follows a nondiscriminatory policy of family selection.
Neither race nor religion is a factor in choosing the families who receive Habitat houses.​​ OAHFH Fair Housing Policy.
I have been selected, what do I do next?
Families will be notified by telephone of acceptance by the Executive Director.
Families who do not qualify this year will also be notified through a letter from OAHFH of next steps, such as financial coaching.
With OAHFH, building relationships and communities is as important as building homes. A key reason Habitat is so successful is the nurturing that is provided to partner families, even after construction is complete.
Each partner family works with the Executive Director throughout the construction process and for a full year after the home is complete. This gives the new homeowners someone to call when they have questions about home maintenance or home ownership. By working together as partners, we all become good stewards and help build strong communities.